(Deutsch) 10 Jahre Kita Rössli
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(Deutsch) Artikel aus der Volksstimme Nr. 52
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Kita Grittpark
From september 2016 on our second location, Kita Grittpark in Niederdorf. We will regulary document the progress of the work to be done until opening in September here and on Facebook.
New: tariff deductions for families from Höstein
Newspaper, reporting from the community news Höstein in obz from 03/24/2016
New Website online!
We are happy to present our new webseite www.kita-roessli.ch. The design has been slightly modernized and the contents were revised. Our website is now “responsive”, so it can be best viewed on smartphones and mobile devices.
(Deutsch) Artikel aus der Oberbaselbieter Zeitung
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(Deutsch) CD Aufnahme Kinderlieder Kita Rössli
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Official Opening Tipi Tent
The Kita Rössli in Hölstein celebrated with the families of the Kita kids the official opening of the Tipi Tent. Photos Official Opening Tipi Tent
(Deutsch) Maimarkt in Hölstein
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